New Features
Combo Chart
- Major Performance Improvements: The chart will now render and display a lot faster
- Now supports zooming the chart via mouse wheel
- New Marker Options for Marker traces
- New Y Axis Tooltip

- Ability to hide a trace initially upon loading the display
- New grouping options for stacked bars
- X-Axis can now be positioned at the top
Events Table
- Redesigned loading: Now supports up to 10,000 Events
- Split Event: Split an existing event into two events, creating an entirely new event.

- Added a new Reason Edit Dialog
AF Table
- Disabled caching tables via Web API
Quick Input
- New "Allow Empty" option for string inputs
- Boolean PI Points are now correctly recognized as boolean values, giving toggle and button options to the users
Navigation Menu
- Asset context as well as start and end times can now be configured for every link
- New Setting "Remember Selection": Automatically highlights the current display link after navigation
- Clean up some of the layouts
Bug fixes
Events Table
- Fixed duration not showing properly when event was in progress
- Fix "Apply Time Range" for in progress events
AF Table
- Fixed an issue where "Add Row" was not working properly
Combo Chart
- Fixed a lot of issues with custom scales not showing the correct traces
- Labels are now correctly wrapped and not hidden if they are too long